
Plaster Sheep

Set in Split in 1992. The war in Cro­atia is in full swing. Split resem­bles Saigon, a city in which life is appa­ren­tly normal, but part of that nor­ma­lity is also made up of deto­na­ti­ons heard from behind the hori­zon, refu­gees, and sol­di­ers on leave.

One night, a group of sol­di­ers deci­des to avenge the killed com­man­der and plants explo­sive to the house owned by a Serb but­c­her. The pro­pri­etor is killed, but the event is, con­trary to plan, wit­ne­ssed by his daughter.

Krešo is a war vete­ran who has lost his leg, bitter and disap­po­in­ted. Galjer is an old jour­na­list of crime sec­tion whose wife has just been diag­no­sed for cancer. Matić is a suc­ce­s­sful doctor with poli­ti­cal ambi­ti­ons. Lidija is a rese­arch jour­na­list who beli­eves the news­pa­pers to be able to put things right.

The des­ti­nies of these four people will inter­twine with that of a little girl hidden in a tyre-​repair garage, waiting to be either set free or killed.