
News from Lilliput

Vijesti iz Lili­puta is the head­line of a column publi­shed in the fort­nig­h­tly Vije­nac in 1993, sub­sequ­en­tly to appear in Zarez, Nedjeljna Dal­ma­cija, and, since 2000,  in Jutar­nji list.

The book con­ta­ins selec­ted news­pa­per arti­cles and essays writ­ten between 1993 and 2000, repre­sen­ting a social chro­ni­cle of everyday life in the war and post-​war, Tuđman’s Cro­atia. The first texts in the book deal with war films and books, while the last ones des­cribe Pre­si­dent Tuđman’s fune­ral. The texts in this book also refer to Ivan Ara­lica and Vještice iz Rija (Wit­c­hes from Rio); Ćiro Blažević and Jakov Sedlar, the Cat­ho­lic ‘’spiritual reform” and FC Cro­atia, as well as Emir Kus­tu­rica, Raymond Carver, and the IRA. Vijesti iz Lili­puta is like a time-​machine, taking the reader back to Cro­atia of the tur­bu­lent nineties.