
Her Mother's House

Father Vjeko is a parish priest in one of the wild Split suburbs. Most of his flock are run­ning wild, and he cele­bra­tes the Mass in the can­teen of an ex-​sanitary fac­tory. The Diocese plans to build a new church and the parish centre. Howe­ver, in the loca­tion plan­ned for the church there is a house whose resi­dents have to be evic­ted, a mother and a daug­h­ter. The mother Anica is a member of an ori­en­tal sect, and Vedrana, the daug­h­ter, is a prac­ti­cal and deter­mi­ned grammar-​school pupil.

Father Vjeko offers them to move into a new and modern flat in a block. Howe­ver, Anica refu­ses, for which she has her own reasons.

Kuća njene majke is a book about the Church as an ins­ti­tu­tion, about humi­lity and redemption.