Highway Patrol is a television series in five episodes directed by Zvonimir Jurić, based on a short story from the eponimous collection. Main characters of the series are two brothers from the small town on Dalmatian-Herzegovinian border. Older one- Josip- is former war hero and policeman. Younger- Frane- is a petty smuggler. After his mother's death, Josip decides to come back home from Zagreb to take care about his father. He takes a job in a local precinct. Soon he would face a dilemma: to be loyal to a law and uniform, or to his family and blood?
Dedicated to a famous Bruce Springsteen's song Highway Patrolman, Highway Patrol is a crime series, but at the same time family drama and Greek myth.
Release of the the new Croatian Television TV series Highway Patrol is an important event for a television production in Southeastern Europe. This series is a most succesful local absorbtion of the influences of contemporary television in a post-HBO era.
Dimitrije Vojnov, Before and After, Serbia
Execution of the series iz superb: from high-level production, real locations, palpably real characters and good acting. All that is incorporated into a naturalistic, gloomy atmosphere.
Marko Äurđević
Highway Patrol is another strong card of Croatian Television drama program, who turned out to be the best in Southeastern Europe.
Nenad Polimac, Jutarnji list
Highway Patrol is going to be a television event of the year. Don' miss it!
Samir Milla, Večernji list